Moot Court Society
The Government Law College Kozhikode Moot Court and Experiential Learning Society (GLCKMCS) is the Moot Court Society of Government Law College Kozhikode. It encourages and develops mooting and other professional skills and qualities of the students of law and students of GLCK. The students participate in various moot courts, mock trials, arbitration, and other professional simulation competitions at Inter-class, Inter-collegiate, State, National, and International levels.The members of GLCKMCS get trained to prepare case notes, memorials, written arguments, judgments, and the like. GLCKMCS also helps the students to acquire relevant professional skills and to develop professional and interpersonal skills. The students get to participate in National and International competitions like the Rajiv Gandhi Moot Court Competition, All Kerala Trial Advocacy Competition, National Moot Court Competition, 13th KK Luthra International Moot Court Competition, 2nd VITSOL National Moot Court Competition on International Law, 3rd SLCU National ADR Competition, 8th National ADR Competition for KELSA Trophy, 20th National Client Consulting (First Virtual) Competition to name a few.