Regulations for LL.B. Unitary Degree Course (3 Year)
[from 2015 admission (2015-16 academic year) onwards]
Name of the Course
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Unitary Degree Course (3 Year)
2. Admission Requirements
Candidates for admission to LL.B Unitary Degree Course (3 Year) shall be required to have a Degree of this University or any other Degree recognized by this University as equivalent thereto. The percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination shall be 45%. Relaxation of marks will be given to eligible students as per prevailing Government norms from time to time. No candidate shall be admitted to the Course unless he/she has passed the qualifying examination and obtained 45% marks (without rounding) in the case of general category applicants and 40% marks (without rounding) in the case of SC and ST application in the qualifying examination. Such minimum qualifying marks shall not automatically entitle a person to get admission into an institution under the university, unless the applicant fulfills other institutional criteria notified by the institution/University concerned or by the government concerned from time to time to apply for admission. The student, at the time of admission, shall pay the fees prescribed by the Institution, the University and the Government from time to time.
3. Selection Procedure
The admission shall be done though the selection procedures of entrance examination in accordance with the procedures and norms laid down by the Government of Kerala from time to time.
4. Curriculum
The curriculum shall consist of 36 papers including 24 Compulsory Papers, 8 Optional Papers and 5 Practical Training Papers. There shall also be a Course Viva-Voce at the end of the final semester.
5. Duration of the Courses
The duration of the course of study for the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) Unitary Degree Course (3 year) shall be three years comprising of 6 semesters, A semester shall consist of not less than 90 working days. The period of a semester shall ordinarily be inclusive of the time required for conduct of examinations of the relevant semesters.
However a candidate admitted for this course shall complete the programme within a period of six years from the date of admission.6. Vacation
Since Government Law Colleges in Kerala are vacation Departments as per Kerala Service Rules, there shall be a vacation for the Course which shall be from 1st April to 31st May every year.
7. Medium of Study
The medium of instruction and examinations shall be English.
8. Attendance
There shall be University Examination held at the end of each semester. To be eligible for admission to examination of the particular semester, the candidate shall secure not less than 75% attendance during that semester and his/her conduct and progress should be satisfactory. Further, if a semester includes a practical paper, the candidate should secure a minimum of 75% of attendance separately for each practical paper.
9. Promotion to next semester
A student who has satisfactorily completed the course of each semester and has registered for examination of that semester shall be promoted to the next semester, subject to the stipulations regarding attendance and
practical training.10. Practical Training
Practical Training shall be fair and evaluated as laid down in No. G AI/32/1782/98 dated 12-10-1998 of the Registrar, University of Calicut. Marks for the practical training papers shall be awarded by the teachers in-charge of such papers and a Register for recording marks signed by the teachers in-charge and countersigned by the Principal shall be maintained in the college. The register shall show the marks separately allotted by each teacher and the average awarded. The marks shall be published and a copy of the same signed by the Principal shall be forwarded to the University. Only those students who have secured a minimum of 75% attendance and 50% marks in the practical training of a semester shall be eligible to register for the examination of that semester. For all practical training papers, students have to maintain separate records of practical work done, as instructed by the head of the institution and the teachers in charge. The Records shall be submitted to the faculty in charge before the end of relevant semester. Whenever practical records are to be maintained, the students shall complete and submit the same positively on or before the last working day of the relevant semester. Students shall not be admitted for the viva-voce examination without the completed record with the signature of the faculty in-charge and the head of the institution.
11. Internship Programme and minimum period internship
The students of 3 Year LL.B Course has to undergo an internship programme as per the bar Council of India Rules on Legal Education 2008. Each registered student shall have completed a minimum of 12 weeks internship during the entire period of studies @ 4 weeks per year. Thus the students have to undergo three internships, one @ 4 weeks in every year during the entire course. The internship for four weeks shall preferably by done during each summer vacation in every year of the Course. The internship may be done under NGOs, Trial and Appellate Advocates, Judiciary, Legal Regulatory Authorities, Legislatures and Parliament, other Legal Functionaries, Market Institutions, Law Firms, Companies, Local Self Government, and other such bodies where law is practiced either in action or in dispute resolution as directed by the head of the institution and under the guidance of the faculty in charge.
Each student shall keep Internship Diary/Record in such form as precribed by the faculty concerned and on successful completion of internship every year the diary shall be submitted to the faculty concerned. The Diary shall be assessed by the teachers in charge each time by signing the record/diary and a maximum of 50 marks shall be awarded at the end of the Course.12. Course viva-voce
There shall be a Course viva-voce, carrying 50 marks, to be conducted at the end of the Course. This shall be done by a Board of three members, of whom one shall be external, appointed by the Univeristy in this regard. The students are evaluated for their academic skill and performances during the course including their performance in the internship programmes.
13. Internal Assessment
(i) Objectives
Objectives of introducing internal Assessment for LL.B course are– (1) to develop in the students the ability for critical analysis and evaluation of legal problems; (2) to develop communication skills, both written and oral; (3) to create an awareness of current socio-legal problems; (4) to ensure the involvement and participation of students in academic programmes; and (5) to make evaluation of students a continuous process. In order to acheive these objectives it is imperative that internal assessment is made by teachers in a fair and objective manner and in an atmosphere of total transparancy and confidentiality. The following guidelines are issued to secure fairness, objectivity and transparancy in internal assessment.
(ii) Distribution of marks: The distribution of marks for Internal Assessment shall be as follows:
Attendance – 5 Marks
Test Paper – 10 Marks
Class room assignments/ – 10 Marks
seminar/debates/quiz etc..(iii) Attendance
Separate attendeance shall be maintained by the teachers for each subjects concerned either manually or electronically. For each subject attendance shall be taken from the class and recorded in a register maintained by the teacher. A statement of attendace shall be prepared every month which shall be availed for inspection by the students. Complaints, if any, shall be brought to the notice of the teacher and the Principal before the seventh day of the succeeding month. Students representing the College/University in sports/games/arts/cultural vents or Moot courts and office bearers of the College/University Union may, with the prior permission of Principal, take part in such competitions/activities and be given attendance as directed by the Principal for such participation, subject to a maximum of 10 days in a semester. Marks for attendance shall be calculated as per the following distribution on the basis of attendance secured by students for the respective papers only.
For CP–01 to CP–24 and OP–01 to OP–08
Percentage of attendance Marks75-80 – 1
81-85 – 2
86-90 – 3
91-95 – 4
96-100 – 5(iv) Test Paper
(a) At least one test paper shall be onducted for each subject in a semester by the concerned teacher who is handling the relevant subject. The day for the test shall be notified at least one week in advance. Absentees shall not be entitled for re-test normally. Exceptional cases on medical and similar grounds may be considered by the staff council of each Institution.
(b) The marks shall be announced in the class within 15 days of the test. The marks obtained by each student in the test paper shall be recorded by the teacher in the register maintained for the purpose.
(c) The students can receive photocopies of their answer scripts, if required, at their expense on a request in writing personally by the student within 5 days from the announcement of the marks.
(v) Assignment/Seminar/Debate/Quiz etc.
(a) Every student shall write one assignment for each paper on a subject assigned by the teacher. The assignment should reflect the ability of the student to identify and use materials, and his/her capacity for original thinking, critical analysis and evaluation. The assignment shall be submitted to the concerned teacher positively by the due date prescribed by the teacher.
(b) Alternatively the teacher may direct every student to participate and the student then shall participate in seminar/debate for each paper. A synopsis shall be submitted by the student to the teacher before the seminar/debate. In the evaluation, 50% credit shall be given to the content and 50% for presentation. The topic of the seminar/debate shall be given by the teacher.
(c) The internal assessment marks obtained by each student shall be announced by the teacher within 10 days from the end of the semester. The marks shall be recorded in a register maintained by the teacher.
(vii) Grievance Redressal Cell
A Grievance Redressal Cell shall be constituted by the Head of the Institution. Grievances, if any, with respect to internal assessment shall be submitted in writing by the concerned student personally with in five days from the date of publication of marks. The decision taken by the Cell shall be final.
14. University Examinations
There shall be a University Examination at the end of each semester. No student shall be allowed to take the University examination at the end of each semester in a subject if the student concerned has not attended minimum of 75% of the classes held in the subject concerned. Separate 75% of attendance is also required in Practical Training papers. If a student for any exceptional reasons fails to attend 75% of the classes held in any subject, the head of the institution may condone the shortage of attendance as per the existing rules. Only those students who have secured a minimum of 75% attendance in a semester and 50% marks in the Practical Training Papers of a semester shall be eligible to register for the examination of that semester.
15. Pass Requirements and Classification
(i) A candidate who secures not less than 50% aggregate for total of University Examination and Internal Assessment put together in a paper shall be declared to have passed the examination in that paper.
(ii) A candidate who has passed all the papers for all the semesters and secured 50% or more of the aggregate marks but less than 60% of such marks shall be declared to have passed the course in second class.
(iii) Successful Candidates who have secured 60% and above in the aggregate in all the Semesters shall be declared to have passed the course in first class.
(iv) Ranking shall be done on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidate in the whole examination of the course passed in the first chance itself. First chance means the first opportunity made available to the candidate concerned by the university in the course.16. Readmission
Readmission to each semester shall be according to the availability of seats in the concerned semester. This shall also be subject to Rules framed by the University and Government of Kerala from time to time. Only those students who have dropped out/been detained or discontinued from any semester of this course alone will be eligible for readmission and a candidate will be given readmission only once during the course for completing the course. These Regulations shall come into force with effect from 2015 Admission (2015-16 Academic Year) onwards.
Scheme of Examinations
1. Marks Distribution
A. Compulsory Papers and Optional Papers
Maximum marks for all the Compulsory and Optional Papers shall be 100. Distribution of maximum marks shall be on a 25/75 (IA/WE) basis.
i) WE – Written Examination
The maximum marks for the written examination conducted by the University at the end of each semester shall be 75 marks.
ii) IA – Internal Assessment
The maximum marks for Internal Assessment shall be 25. Distribution of marks for Internal Assessment shall be as follows.
Attendance – 5 Marks
Test paper – 10 Marks
Class room assignments/
Seminars/Debates etc. – 10 MarlsB. Practical Training Papers
i) PT 01 – Out of the 100 Marks 75 marks are given for Record, for which students shall maintain a Record of Practical Works done under the guidance of the Faculties in change. The remaining
25 marks are given for the viva voce to be conducted by a Board comprising of three senior Law Faculty members in the institution.
ii) PT 02 – Out of the 100 marks 90 marks are awarded for the drafting exercises conducted as internal tests for which students shall maintain a Record, under the guidance of the Faculties in charge. The Remaining 10 marks are given for the viva voce to be conducted by a Board comprising of a Practicing Lawyer and
two senior Law Faculties in the institution.
iii) PT 03 – Out of the 100 marks 75 marks are allotted by assessing the practical works done by the students as specified in the detailed syllabus, under the guidance of the Faculties in charge for which students shall maintain a Record. The Remaining 25 marks are given for the viva voce to be conducted by a Board comprising of three senior Law Faculties in the institution.
iv) PT – 04 Out of the 100 marks 90 marks are given for 3 moot court participation, court visits, client interviewing and pretrial preparations in the senior Advocates Chamber, for which students shall maintain a Record/Diary of practical works done under the guidance of the Faculties in charge. The Remaining 10 marks are given for the viva voce to be conducted by a Board comprising of three senior Law Faculty members of the institution.
v) PT 05 – Internship Programme
Each student shall keep Internship Diary/Record in such form as prescribed by the Principal/faculty concerned and on successful completion of Internship every year the diary shall be submitted to the faculty concerned. The Diary shall be assessed by the teachers in charge each time by the signing the record/diary and a maximum of 50 marks shall be awarded at the end of the Course.C. Course viva-voce
There shall be a Course viva-voce carrying 50 marks, to be conducted at the end of the Course. This shall be done by a Board of three members, of whom one shall be external, appointed by the University in this regard. The studens are evaluated for their academic skill and performances during the course including their performance in the internship programmes.
2. Pattern of Question Paper
The pattern of question paper shall be same as laid down in GA1/J2/1782/98 dated 12-10-1998 of the Registrar University of Calicut. However, the question papers on (1) Jurisprudence (CP 8) and (2) Legal Language and Legal Writing (OP 1) shall not have problem questions. The following shall be the pattern of question papers.
Part (A) – Short answer
This part consists of short answer questions. In this Part 8 questions will be given and the candidates have to answer any 5 questions. Each question carries 6 marks and this part carry a total of 30 marks.
5 x 6 marks = 30 marks
Part (B) – Problems Questions
This part consists of hypothetical problem questions. In this part 3 hypothetical problem questions will be given and the candidate has to answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 10 marks. The answer shall cover relevant legal provisions, farming of issues, application of legal provisions with reasoned decisions and citation of authority, the solution of the issue framed and the answer to problem as such.
2 x 10 marks = 20 marks
Part (C) – Essays
This part consists of essay questions. In this part 3 questions will be given and the candidate has to answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 12.5 marks.
2 x 12.5 marks = 25 marks
Duration of examination: 3 Hrs.
Maximum Marks: 100 Marks (75 marks for WE and 25 marks for IA)
[WE – Written Examination, IA – Internal Assessment]
3. Distribution of Papers in Various Semesters:
First Semester
1 CP 01 Law of Contracts
2 CP 02 Law of Torts (including Motor Vehicle Act and Consumer Protection Laws)
3 CP 03 Constitutional Law I
4 CP 04 Family Law I
5 CP 05 Law of Crimes I
6 OP 01 Legal Language and Legal Writing
Second Semester
1 CP 06 Constitutional Law II
2 CP 07 Special Contracts
3 CP 08 Jurisprudence
4 CP 09 Family Law II
5 CP 10 Law of Crimes II (including Cyber Crimes)
6 OP 02 Local Self Government (including Panchayat Administration)
Third Semester
1 CP 11 Administrative Law
2 CP 12 Labour and Industrial Laws I
3 CP 13 Code Civil Prodcedure – I (including Civil Rules of practice) (Section 1 to 35 B and order I to XXA)
4 CP 14 Law of Criminal Procedure – I (Including Probation of Offenders Act)
5 CP 03 Human Rights Law and Practice
6 OP 02 Professional Ethics and Professional Accounting System
Fourth Semester
1 CP 15 Environmental Law
2 CP 16 Code of Civil Procedure II (including Limitation Act)
3 CP 17 Property Law (including Transfer of Property Act and Easement Act)
4 CP 18 Labour and Industrial Laws II
5 CP 19 Law of Criminal Procedure II (including Juvenile Justice Act)
6 PT 02 Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing
Fifth Semester
1 CP 20 Company Law
2 CP 21 Law of Evidence
3 CP 22 Law of Direct Taxation
4 CP 04 Intellectual Property Laws
5 CP 05 Banking Laws (including NI Act)
6 PT 03 Alternate Dispute Resolution
Sixth Semester
1 CP 23 Law of Indirect Taxation
2 CP 24 Public International Law
3 OP 06 Land Laws (including Tenure and Tenancy System)
4 OP 07 Interpretation of Statutes and Principles of Legislation
5 OP 08 Gender justice and Feminist Jurisprudence
6 PT 04 Moot Court Exercise and Court Visit
7 PT 05 Internship Programme Course Viva-voce Conducted at the end of the Course